Did you know that we are an FA Charter Standard club?
FA Charter Standard status is The Football Association’s kitemark. Charter Standard clubs get their status by demonstrating that they offer well-run and sustainable football.
To gain Charter Standard status, we had to meet the following criteria:
We had to be affiliated to a County FA (we affiliate to London FA)
We had to have at least one team in a league sanctioned by The FA (all of our youth teams play in the London County Saturday Youth Football league)
We were required to have a bank account in the club's name
We had to provide a financial statement approved by the club's committee
We had to have a disciplinary record within The FA Respect discipline threshold
We were required to operate within a set of club rules
We had to have a club equality policy
And, we had to adopt The FA Respect Code of Conduct
In addition to this we had to:
Have Club Officials who are proud to make their environment safe, fun and inclusive for all
Provide recent committee meeting minutes
Have a club safeguarding policy
Have FA DBS checks for all relevant club officials
At least one FA Level 1 coach per team with an innate first aid (IFAIF) and Safeguarding Children Certificate
Have a coach: player ratio of 1:16 or less
Provide links to attract new players and opportunities to move, transition or progress players.
Respect Codes of Conduct
Respect Codes of Conduct are in place to ensure that everyone involved within an FA Charter Standard club is playing their part to give the players a positive experience.
Click on the links below to access our codes of conduct:
FA Respect Code of Conduct - Coaches, Team Managers and Club Officials
FA Respect Code of Conduct - Spectators and Parents
FA Respect Code of Conduct - Young Players
Useful Contacts
London FA’s Safeguarding Team:
Jake Rosewell - 07720 591755 (contactable Mon-Fri 8am-4pm)
Nikeeta Patel - 07525 237348 (contactable Mon-Fri 8am-4pm)
NSPCC – if you have a concern which needs immediate attention and you can’t get hold of the club welfare officer and it’s outside of the working hours for the London FA safeguarding team, please contact the NSPCC’s 24 hour helpline on 0808 800 5000
Childline – For free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, please contact 0800 1111
If a child is in immediate danger ALWAYS call 999.
Useful Links
London FA - https://www.londonfa.com/safeguarding-and-welfare
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command) - https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/
The FA: Safeguarding - https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/safeguarding
Useful Documents
Pioneer FC’s Safeguarding Policy - https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59e285f380bd5e11b6c76c6a/t/6001951f3f04e93fb00e3c9d/1610716460166/Pioneer+FC+FA+Safeguarding+policy+2021.pdf
Keeping Football Safe and Enjoyable - https://www.thefa.com/-/media/cfa/global/files/safeguarding/keeping-football-safe-enjoyable.ashx